Earth Class Mail Coupon and other Green Products

Tips on how to make our planet Green. We knew all of you Green and White fans would appreciate a bit of thought on how we can help Michigan and the rest of this wonderful planet.
- Reduce unwanted advertising mail. Use Earth Class Mail!
- Keep lint screen in dryer clean.
- Use a trash bag in your car instead of throwing trash out the window.
- Consider using cloth diapers or flushable diapers instead of disposal ones.
- Urge your local community to start a curbside recycling program.
- Start a recycling program where you work. Contact the Department of Natural Resources about the Waste Reduction Assistance Program
- Insulate your waterbed by adding an inch of polyethylene foam around the edges and the bottom.
- To remove rust, rub rust spots briskly with a piece of crumpled aluminum foil, shiny side up.
- Give leftover paint to theater groups, schools or church groups.
- Call your local humane society to see if they can use your old newspapers for animal bedding.
- Check your smoke detector. Put a new battery in if it needs one. Some detectors contain small amounts of lowlevel radioactive waste. Return used or broken detectors to the manufacturer.
- Use equal parts white vinegar and warm water to wash windows or glass. Dry with a soft cloth.
- Install storm windows.
- When using hazardous products, use only what is needed. Twice as much does not mean twice the results.
- Arrange for a waste management presentation for your club or business.
- Read publications that educate about long-term sustainability.
- Educate your children about the environment.
- Write a letter to the editor about your environmental concerns. .
- Get involved in a local treeplanting effort.
- Learn about global climate change.
- Join an environmental organization.
- Research environmental legislation and write to your representative.
Labels: Eco-friendly Products
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