Purple Martin Houses and Attracting Purple Martins

Purple Martins are the only bird species in Michigan that are entirely dependent upon human-supplied houses and nesting places for reproduction.
It is very hard to establish a Purple Martin living abode - so patience is a virtue.
Here are some tips to make your chances of success in attracting Purple Martins more likely.
Your Purple Martin house should be in the center of the largest open spot available on your premises. It should be located about 30-120 feet from your own home or other human houses. Place the Martin House where you can see it - but remember to keep the distance.
Listening to the beautiful song of the Martins is one of the truly relaxing and beautiful pasttimes - so make sure that your house is within earshot also!
There should be no trees within 40 feet of the Purple Martin House. The farther the Purple Martin housing is places from trees, the better. The pole that your house attaches to should be around 10 to 17 feet tall.
Don't attach wires to the house or pole. Predators can use the wires to access the housing. (like squirrels and Starlings)
If you are looking to have a Martin Colony next year ... NOW is the time to buy your house. In July and August this year's young will be scouting for next year's breeding sites! Use coupon: rachels5 to get $5.00 off of any of the houses featured in this article.
The pair-bond of the Purple Martin is monogamous. The male and female cooperate equally in building the nest out of mud, grass and twigs.
The female lays two to seven pure-white eggs at a rate of one egg per day.
The female incubates the clutch for approximately fifteen days, then the young hatch. The parents both feed the young continuously for a period of 26-32 days until the young fledge.
Labels: Purple Martin Coupons
I know Michigan is making a comeback with your local purple martin population. Great to see folks spreading the "purple word".
I fledged 131 purple martins from my colony this year and lost a nest full of babies to a snake that climbed up a pole. I highly suggest predator guards to keep them from being able to climb the pole. Also Starling Resistant Entrance Holes will keep the starlings from taking over the houses.
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